Jews - Christians - Messianic Jews

Yaakov, Béla Orbán

Anti-Judaism, Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism

It is necessary to clarify from the beginning that all those who belong to the Body of the Messiah (Christ) and who are not only born again, but also under the leading of the Spirit of God could never be anti-Semites and hate the Jewish People which is waiting for the Messiah to come.
In the cases when this kind of feeling would however appear inside such a person, it becomes very quickly a hardly bearable weight from which the faithful wants to be released as quickly as possible. He cannot be Anti-Zionist either, because he has to know the prophecies in the fulfillment of which every believer has his role and responsibility.

We can define two main wings of Anti-Semitism in general:
- Political Anti-Semitism
- Religious Anti-Semitism

It is the same for the Anti-Zionism…

It is impossible to know which one appeared first.

Because in the Middle Ages and even long before, religion had an influence and a dominating role in absolutely all the domains of life, it is practically impossible to separate these two forms of Anti-Semitism one from the other because of their very narrow interlacing these last two thousand years.

Political Anti-Semitism always based itself and referred to religious Anti-Semitism to explain, argue, demonstrate and legitimize the "truthfulness" of its views.
It was the same during the Holocaust…

Anti-Semitism appears however in many area and under extremely diverse and varied forms.
Until today.

Because the deepest and the most important roots of Anti-Semitism are coming from the religion and more particularly from the Christian religion, furthermore, these roots are keeping it alive, it is necessary to locate them within the Body of the Messiah to be able to tear them away from it.   

No matter if it is a matter of physical, psychical or spiritual attacks against Israel and its Calling!

Today the attacks are mainly of psychic and spiritual order.

The false ecumenism, the unification of the monotheist religions, the Christian movements aiming at the colonization of the Jewish community, Humanism, Philo-Semitism with its false and lying love that wants to attract and to charm the Jews to integrate them into something else, as well as the false charismatic, ... the list is far from being exhaustive.  
All those who have nothing to do with Yeshua HaMashiach and His People!
A kind of "spiritual Holocaust" is in progress by means of the assimilation and by the proclamation of the so-called necessity of substituting the Jewish identity to something else…

I was astonished when I red a few weeks ago the declarations of the leader of a so called community of the "messiah" made for the radio who declared, within the framework of a religious broadcast, that the Jews were the cause of Anti-Semitism and that they generated it themselves.  
In other words, that we should not speak so much about the Holocaust…

This opinion looks really like the illegitimate judgment of the Jews and indeed reveals a veiled Anti-Semitism.

The following words are almost hearable behind these words: "we are the messianic Jews, the real Jewish People"...

The pretext of this opinion is coming from similar declarations made formerly and many times during a so-called "Jewish festival" in the Jewish district of Budapest in 1998 by members of a so-called "biblical school" who are simply groups constituted by "fragmented-Jews", philo-Semite Christians playing the Jews, or "half-Jews" who were financed by Scotland and the United States.

As long as somebody thinks to be more than the others, he is also the enemy of the other because he will soon want to rule over him.

The Christian pride together with the "messianic" pride is an anti-Semite, Anti-Zionist and Anti-Judaist spirit. In this way, the spirit of the antichrist which hides behind is very quickly noticeable and visible while this spirit exactly works without that the persons used by it realize what is going on.

Today, more and more people are in search of their Jewish roots. These people are more and more numerous not to be pushed by the interest of a better social situation or by the fashion of Philo-Semitism…

In this way, God's testimonies do multiply.

At the same time, Anti-Semitism also lives a proportional growth as this phenomenon.

The most awful among the various forms of the plague are when somebody hates the Jew who is in himself.  

I know quite many "pastors" who have some Jewish blood in their veins.

Their main characteristic is the immediate attack of the Calling of the Jewish people and the emphasis on the Christian unity in their preaching.
They talk about this false unity which is based on the word: "there is neither Jew nor Greek …"

They are nevertheless unable to get loose from their roots. That is why the following step comes: they become philo-Semite Christians in a schizophrenic way and they create communities of this kind. By this act, they mislead further Jews by preventing them from fulfilling the role and the Calling which was given to them by God. So they are leading them on the path of disobedience…

Then the "solution of the mule" comes:
They look after the roots received from the Jews and try to insert them into their assemblies and into their teachings. All this naturally in complete submission to Christendom.

However this provokes a double destruction:  
- A gentile cannot be "Jew in heart" or "Jew in spirit", "spiritual Israel", because he would not be either on his righteous and legitimate place
- The Calling given to the Jews for all times is not transferable
- It is not under another power that the Jewish people have to carry out its ministry towards the other peoples.

The non-acceptance of the Jewish identity in us is Anti-Semitism in itself.

The submission of the Jewish identity in another identity is also Anti-Semitism.  

Anti-Semitism is antichrist or helps and is in the services of the antichrist powers.


A whole teaching could be dedicated to the question: how can a Jewish born people live, exist and be in community with Anti-Judaists, anti-Semites and Anti-Zionists communities, or with communities whose theologies are Anti-Semites and Anti-Zionists and are rejecting the Jews?

Christian evangelization will never work!
Because God kept the Jews UNDER HIS OWN JURISDICTION so that He will be the only one to unveil the identity or the Messiah in Yeshua HaMashiach when the day will come.   

This is the reason why the Christian will of Christianize the Jews is not simply a vain effort, but a rebellion too.

This question is particularly actual when many conferences are organized these days by missionary organizations to evangelize the Jews also in Hungary. Among the members of these organizations, few are those who understand the prophecies and who accept God's Project and Will with Israel.
That is why they can easily be Anti-Semite and Anti-Zionist!  

These organizations did not even invite us at these conferences, while our small ministry works in the whole Carpathian basin (Hungary, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia - Vojvodina, Slovakia) and we have very good relations with all the Jewish communities and organizations of these regions.

It is also a matter of Anti-Zionism. Even more, it is here a matter of jealousy and hatred, but minimum of a refusal of the messianic Jews. They are the losers themselves since from this moment we are unable to carry out any ministry as Jews towards them: according to God's Project.
Translated from hungarian by Richard (Zeev Shlomo)

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